Full Tilt Poker, Playing Poker Tonight

Monday, June 21, 2010

What is Your Best Poker Game?

For me the game I believe I am best at is Texas Hold-em. Love to bluff when time is right for it. Also love to show the win when they think I was bluffing. No other game in poker gives me same feeling of being in control.

Which game is it for you?  Go ahead you can share here, no will tell at your favorite poker player site. Let us know why you like your favorite game so much. Is it feeling like you are in control or what?

 Anyone who likes poker has a favorite game, what is the harm of letting others know what it is? None, even if they like the same game an actually play with you we are not asking you to share your skills just the game you like..  so come on what is it?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Amazon Stores always have great prices.  Just about anything you you can think of is now available at Amazon, their quest to become the lowest price retailer online is always expanding the products they offer. The expansion of adding new products daily is one of the reasons they have become one of the biggest online shopping sites in the world. At the current growth rate they could very well become the biggest shopping network online in short order. Visit one today and see what you have been missing.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Real Home Business

Tire of all the "get rich quick" hype. Start a real Home based Online Business, One that gets real results. You have heard all the hype for long enough. Isn't time that you check out what a real online business is like.

This is not a "Get Rich Quick Scheme" it is a real offer to anyone who has had enough of all the garbage being thrown at them every time they turn around.

Quit throwing a way your hard earned money on one after another of those programs that promise the world only to take you to the cleaners.

If you have finally had enough of all those schemes then check out what a real online business can mean to you and your future.

 Work From Home With A Real E-Business.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Playing Poker Tonight

Have you ever ask why most poker games are played after dark. Ever thought about why most people enter casinos in the evening or even late at night. Ever wondered why people are drawn to playing certain games. Ever considered why certain genders seem to gravitate towards one type of playing and not any other type. Ever watched people enter a casino and where they head to first, and know why they went to that spot. Remember your first time Playing poker or some other casino game or is tonight your first time?

I know most of us will never forget our first trip to a casino, I sure wont forget mine. March of 1980 was my first trip to Las Vegas and I was impressed with all the lights and how big it all really was. The first casino I went into was the Horseshoe and for some reason instead of going straight to the poker card tables I went to the slot machines. Not at all like me as I always enjoy poker games, i.e. Texas hold-em, 5 card, 7 card stud, Acey Duecy, etc.

Before I knew it the day had turn into night, and I was up at the slots by $750.00. I was thinking boy tonight is mine. I was on a lucky streak, winning coins every few pulls, I never did get to the poker tables that night, but I did walk away almost $1200.00 dollars to the good. Now you may be thinking well he is hooked on slots after that, and I guess I was for a short period.

My first trip was only for 3 days, but it was at that time the best mini vacation I had ever had. I left Vegas with over $5000.00 in my pockets to the good. No most of my winnings did not come from the slots, most came from Black Jack, one of my favorite games, right after Texas Hold-em.

Well I don't know about you but after remembering all that and writing it out I'm ready to play poker tonight. How about you, what you say we head on over to Full Tilt Poker.
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